Me elsewhere on the interweb

Idea Junction

The company I founded in March 2008 with Dan Slatter. Clients include EMI, Warner Music, Virgin, The Beatles, National Geographic and Amnesty International.


The home of a fair bit of my photography, covering various London gigs and a generous swathe of randomness captured on my camera-phone.


Here’s my page on this sprawling community site. There are some fantastic up and coming musicians to be found on MySpace, loads of whom have free tracks to download ...err, what was it that record companies do again?


There’s some stuff in my gallery but this site is pretty mind-boggling in its own right, this community is huge! + AudioScrobbler

This site collects information about the music you listen to on your computer then groups you with others who have similar interests. You can then find new music that is liked by people who like the music you like... absolute genius!

JM Enternational

My workplace from 1999-2007. I worked there for John Marshall alsongside Dan Slatter, the late Ian Larkin, Will Amery and Alex Cowper.

BRIT School

(of Performing Arts and Technology) Where I spent my late teens, an amazing place.

Recommendations and further reading

Dan M.T. Slatter / (on MySpace)

The producer/guitarist/designer/photographer extrodinaire friend, I have the pleasure of working with at JME..

Nick Sanett

My inimitably random musician/producer/code-monkey/designer friend.

Elliot Jay Stocks / Sourhaze / (on MySpace)

A graphic-designer, photographer and musician friend, working at Sanctuary Records.

Rhys Marsh and The Autumn Ghost

I used to play fretless bass in this outfit 1999-2008, alongside Neil Marsh (guitar, voice), Natalie Rozario (’cello), Jess Bryant (voice, zither), Andy Raeburn (drums), Charlie (viola), Anna Giddey (violin).

Contributions from these folk have augmented the line-up from time to time: Breadfoot (dobro), Timbre Cierpke (harp), Steve Honest (pedal steel), Peter Keserü (harmonium) and Mia Silvas (voice, flute).

Jamie Woon

A singer/songwriter gigging in London (go see him). Once inside his songs just will not leave your brain.

Kat Flint

A wee lass with a penchant for procuring inexorably catchy folk tunes, with a modicum of the bittersweet.

Jim Wood (Slip)

The finest cuts of glitch-soul irreverence, served on a grimey plate... with peas.

Revere / (on MySpace)

Coolest London band I've seen (after these chaps of course). ;) Imagine the Edward Scissorhands soundtrack combined with a the live energy of Muse, then throw into the mix a healthy compendium of assorted orchestral instrumentation. Nice bunch of chaps too.

Jagtar Behal

Another college friend doing music like no other, tastefully mixing the guitar of his childhood with influences of his ethnicity.

Peyoti (for President)

High octane, hispanic rock n’ roll... Peyoti and his band are amazingly energetic live. Go see them play!

Tony Booth

These are my dad’s pages. Subjects include fresh models of wave-mechanics (versus quantum-mechanics), cybernetics, laser optics, philosophy and our local neighbourhood watch.

For sale: Ground floor flat, Southcroft Road, London SW16

My half-sister has a flat for sale... so to help Google (and potentially you!) find it, information about it is linked thusly! :)